Name ____________________


Class Period _______

Assessment  – Chapter 9 – Quiz Questions #5
pp. 181 - 202

1.      _________________________ The place on the Earth’s
surface above where rock breaks during an earthquake.

2.      _________________________ Stick-slip motion between lithospheric plates.

3.      _________________________  The point below the epicenter.

4.      _________________________ Where rocks break and there is movement.

5.      _________________________ Seismic waves that travel at the surface.

6.      _________________________ Seismic waves that travel through the planet.

7.      _________________________ Name of instrument used to record seismic waves.

8.      _________________________ Scale in which each number change means a 10-fold increase in seismic wave energy.

9.      _________________________ Scale in which eyewitness accounts of earthquake damage are incorporated into this earthquake measurements scale.

10.  _________________________ Scale which rates the total energy of an earthquake.

11.  Define the word “friction.”

12.  What is a “slickenside?”

13.  When two plates slide past each other, what happens to the crusts of these plates? What happens to the upper mantle parts of these plates?

14.  Describe surface waves and how they affect an area that is experiencing an earthquake.

15.  If each Richter value respresents seismic waves 10 times greater than the one before, then how much larger are the waves of an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 versus a magnitude of 3?

16.  If P-waves travel at 7 km/s and S waves travel at 3.6 km/s, how much faster are P-waves?