MrC's Travels


Exploring the Intriguing World of Board Games and Tabletop Gaming Jargon

Board games and tabletop gaming have experienced a renaissance in recent years, captivating enthusiasts of all ages with their diverse gameplay, intricate strategies, and immersive experiences. As you delve deeper into this fascinating realm, you'll encounter a rich tapestry of jargon that adds depth and nuance to the hobby. Let's embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries behind the terminology that defines this vibrant community.

The Origins of Tabletop Gaming Jargon

Like any specialized field, board games and tabletop gaming have developed their own lexicon over time. Some terms have roots in traditional gaming, while others have emerged with the evolution of modern game design and culture.

Key Terminology

Understanding the language of tabletop gaming is essential for fully immersing yourself in the experience. Here are some key terms you're likely to encounter:

  • Meeples: These small, iconic wooden figures are commonly used as player tokens in many board games. The term "meeple" is a blend of "my" and "people," coined by Alison Hansel during a game of Carcassonne.
  • Deck-Building: A genre of card game where players start with a basic deck and acquire new cards over the course of the game to improve their capabilities.
  • Worker Placement: A mechanic where players assign their limited pool of workers to different actions or locations on the board, often competing for resources or objectives.
  • Area Control: A strategy where players compete to dominate or control specific regions of the game board.
  • Analysis Paralysis: Also known as AP, this refers to the tendency of some players to become overwhelmed by choices, leading to prolonged decision-making and slower gameplay.
  • Ameritrash: A colloquial term used to describe games with strong thematic elements, often featuring extensive narrative, miniatures, and immersive storytelling.
  • Eurogame: Contrastingly, Eurogames prioritize strategy and mechanics over thematic elements, focusing on elegant design and balanced gameplay.

The Impact of Jargon on Gaming Culture

Board game jargon serves as a bridge between players, fostering a sense of community and shared understanding. It allows enthusiasts to communicate more efficiently and delve deeper into discussions about game mechanics, strategies, and experiences.

Moreover, understanding gaming terminology can enhance your appreciation for the intricacies of game design. It provides insight into the thought processes behind a game's mechanics and helps you recognize recurring patterns and themes across different titles.

Breaking Barriers

While jargon can sometimes feel exclusive to newcomers, it's important for the community to remain welcoming and inclusive. Encouraging open dialogue and providing resources for newcomers to familiarize themselves with gaming terminology can help break down barriers and ensure that everyone feels empowered to participate.


Board games and tabletop gaming offer a rich tapestry of experiences, fueled by a diverse array of terminology that reflects the depth and complexity of the hobby. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just beginning your gaming journey, embracing the language of tabletop gaming can open new doors to exploration, strategy, and camaraderie.

So, the next time you gather around the table for a gaming session, take a moment to appreciate the unique lexicon that binds players together and adds a layer of intrigue to every roll of the dice and placement of a meeple.